<% search = Request("search") criteria = Request("criteria") set conn = GetSQLServerConnection() if search = "" then SQL = "Select * from Counseling_forum where fdate <='" & date &"' order by fdate desc, tdate desc" set rs = GetSQLServerRecordset(conn,SQL) ElseIf criteria = "both" Then SQL = "Select * from Counseling_forum where main = '1' And (title Like '%" & search & "%' Or content Like '%" & search & "%') and fdate <= '" & date & "' Order By fdate asc, tdate asc" Set rs = GetSQLServerRecordset(conn, SQL) Else SQL = "Select * from Counseling_forum where main = '1' And " & criteria & " Like '%" & search & "%' and fdate <= '" & date & "' order By fdate asc, tdate asc" Set rs = GetSQLServerRecordset(conn, SQL) End If cid = request("cid") cid = CInt(cid) set conn = GetSQLServerConnection() if cid = 0 then response.redirect "forum.asp" else SQL = "Select * from Counseling_forum where cid = " & cid & " and main = 1" set rs = GetSQLServerRecordset(conn, SQL) SQL = "Select * from Counseling_forum where reply_cid = '" & cid & "' and main = '0' and flag = '1' order by rid desc" set reply_rs = GetSQLServerRecordset(conn, SQL) end if reply_rs.PageSize = 10 if page = "" or page < 1 then page = 1 elseif page > rs.PageCount then page = 1 end if %> Youth-2000.com [滅罪會 On-line Counseling]
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") %>
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" width="29" height="28"> <%=reply_rs("content")%>
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Warning: require(../AspLib.php) [function.require]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/youth/domains/youth-online.com/public_html/dfcc_counseling/forum_content.php on line 184

Fatal error: require() [function.require]: Failed opening required '../AspLib.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/youth/domains/youth-online.com/public_html/dfcc_counseling/forum_content.php on line 184